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Must Read Whitepaper, ‘Making Money With Network Slicing’, Hits The Shelves

23 October 2018
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Network Slicing Leader Cloudstreet Showcases the Vast Opportunities of this Promising New Mobile Business Model

CaribPR Wire, Espoo, Finland & Berlin, Germany, Oct. 23, 2018: Cloudstreet, ‘The Network Slicing Company’, is pleased to announce the publication of its most recent industry whitepaper, “Making Money with Network Slicing”. A business-forward take on the practice, the paper puts slicing at the very center of the mobile industry’s transition now underway. With a focus on practical, market-ready models, the authors unravel the misconceptions about Network Slicing, exploring its potential to disrupt the cultural and business logjams that have hampered growth.

Less about technology than a new way of doing business, Network Slicing has quickly risen from a mere buzzword to a budget line item, as mobile operators retool for the opportunities to come

“Inherently disruptive, it will create new business ecosystems to support unique and evolving demands that touch quite literally every industry sector and market segment. Like any evolution, it will start small and then scale exponentially as demand grows and the practice becomes more refined. The financial returns will quickly follow and soon become a core top line revenue generator.”

Showcasing several high-value, low-barrier examples including Fixed Wireless, Private LTE, Mobile Gaming and Live User Generated Content, to name a few, the study charts a carrier-friendly course for Network Slicing in today’s 4G networks, and a cogent strategy for staying competitive in what promises to be a highly competitive market in 5G.

“No doubt but that carriers need to lead the way and begin the process of transforming their businesses today” said Mika Skarp, Founder and CEO of Cloudstreet “The next generation of telecom isn’t just about improvements in speed and latency. These are not selling points in and of themselves, but reliability is,” he adds. “There are huge expectations of mobile networks that go well beyond what new antennas and spectrum alone can address. The moment that carriers move on from Best Effort to differentiated Quality-of-Experience and SLA-based business models, the next-generation of mobile will truly begin”

On the occasion of the paper’s publication, Mika Skarp wil be delivering a companion presentation at the Broadband World Forum, Network Slicing Summit, in Berlin Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018.

Analyst firm Arthur D. Little suggests that in meeting these demands, carriers can expect a 34% boost in revenues to 2026. That’s a big jump from today’s annual growth average of about 1%. But as the whitepaper points out, addressing the unique needs of multiple segments, particularly in industry 4.0, means being mission-critical ready, leveraging the power of Network Slicing to deliver virtualized dedicated resources to customers of all stripes. And it’s that special recipe, argue the authors, that will have a positive knock-on disruptive effect.

“Traditional go-to-market cycles will accelerate, mobile operator relationships with enterprise, government and small business will become more strategic, networks will become more efficient, resource allocation more logical and both current and future investments in capacity will show dramatically greater return.”

Drawing on years of experience as the first to deploy a market-ready Network Slicing capability at scale, as well as some of the most advanced PoCs, including a demonstration of End-to-End Network Slicing at the recent Telecom Infra Project’s TIP Summit 18 in London, Cloudstreet provides key insights from across functional groups, to paint a clear picture of this promising, soon-to-be defining feature of mobile networks.

Readers interested in the whitepaper can visit the Cloudstreet web site for their online or printable version. Any Mobile Operators interested in a consulting session with Cloudstreet on how Network Slicing can help them achieve their business objectives are invited to email us at [email protected]

About Cloudstreet

Finland-based Cloudstreet is a US and EU patented Network Slicing innovator dedicated to revolutionizing the mobile experience, empowering user choice and driving new MNO revenues. Leveraging the power of Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization (SDN/NFV), Cloudstreet provides the world’s first in-market, carrier-grade Network Slicing Platform. Tailoring Quality of Experience to user demand and context, Cloudstreet delivers application-aware slices for any use case with SLA-assured performance for capacity, latency and throughput. Awarded the EC’s Horizon 2020 grant and Best Connectivity Solution (WCA16), Cloudstreet’s cost-reducing, revenue-generating platform is deployable in today’s 4G networks for any 5G-envisioned network slicing use cases. Visit us at

